6th Steele of The Storm Bringing Bench Clearing

LG made 14 hits and won 11-4 in the match against KT at Suwon KT Wiz Park on the 7th. He defeated the national team ace KT Ko Young-pyo with six points until the sixth inning. 토토 Ko Young-pyo was targeted with 10 hits, but the decisive one was stolen. On this day, LG recorded six stolen bases and five against Ko Young-pyo. All of them were crucial, stolen bases linked to scoring.

Moon Sung-joo and Park Hae-min’s consecutive hits in the third inning, trailing 0-2, made it to first and third base with one out. Park Hae-min succeeded in stealing second base, and when Hong Chang-ki’s double came out, even Park Hae-min scored to tie the game 2-2. The fourth inning, trailing 2-3, also targeted Ko Young-pyo by setting the stage for a reversal with running baseball. After one out, Moon Bo-kyung got on base with a hit and succeeded in stealing second base. Oh Ji-hwan’s hit simply tied the score at 3-3. Park Dong-won’s hit then made it to first and second base, and this time, Oh Ji-hwan succeeded in stealing third base. Thanks to Moon Sung-joo’s infield grounder, Oh Ji-hwan scored at third base to turn the game around 4-3.

After the game, Oh Ji-hwan said, I tried to play from the first pitch, but I watched the second pitch more clearly to check my pitching form. On this day, LG runners seemed to have a perfect grasp of Ko Young-pyo’s pitching form. Manager Yeom Kyung-yeop is trying to steal so many bases that he is reckless at the helm of LG this season. He is the No. 1 stealer, but his failure to steal and his checkmate are also overwhelmingly No. 1.

Oh Ji-hwan tried to steal and made a decisive success, but he also saw many failures positively. It will help bold play not only in the regular season but also in more important short-term games.

Oh Ji-hwan said, I think our team has been losing in the short-term game recently, but we haven’t been able to play boldly, adding, I think it may be helpful in the short-term game.Active steal attempt I’m looking at it positively. He added, Whatever team you meet, if you play a lot of baseball, what the opponent thinks can be a burden.

Head coach Yeom Kyung-yeop emphasized the first run in the short-term game where ace pitchers face off, stealing bases and bunting in a one-point fight. Oh Ji-hwan said, Even if you run, there is no law that the catcher always throws accurately. It is great to put pressure on the defense side. In short-term games, it is difficult to get consecutive hits because the first to third starters continue to throw. He may go out with a hit or walk and make an error with a stolen bases. If you go to third base, it will be easier to score, he said.

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