“We’re committed to a smooth transition for public baseball journals”

“I took on the role of head coach to help the Sangdong High School baseball team establish a framework”

Former Lotte manager Yang Seung-ho, who took over as the first head coach of the Sangdongo Baseball Club on the 9th, said this in an interview with this newspaper and vowed to do his best to ‘donate his talents’.

The founding of the Sangdong High Baseball Club began with a proposal from Yang Seung-ho. Yang, who is currently the general manager of the independent Goyang Winners, is heavily involved in amateur baseball.

“The alumni of Sangdong High School asked me to help them save the school from closing. When I first visited the school last year, there were only three students,” he explains, “and I suggested that the solution was to gather baseball players to save the school.” “At first, everyone said it would be difficult, but in April, we held the inauguration ceremony of the Sangdong Baseball High School Establishment Promotion Committee, followed by the inauguration ceremony of the baseball team, so I think we have fulfilled our dream,” he said with pride.

Yang cited teamwork as the key to the transition from the baseball club to the baseball high school. “At first, we were uncertain whether we would be able to start a baseball team this year, but the military, school, and alumni worked well together, and as a result, we were able to start a baseball team,” he said. “The transition to a baseball team is still two years away, but the military and the military chairman are actively supporting us, so I think it will go smoothly.”

The first official debut of the Sangdong High baseball team will be a weekend league next year.

“We will do our best to raise the school’s honor rather than good grades,” Yang said, but also expressed his expectations for the future. “When we recruited the current first graders, there was a bit of a rush to prevent the school from closing, but among the third graders who will enter the school next year, there are many good players flocking to Sangdong,” he said, “so much so that we had to hold an open tryout.”

Finally, Yang gave words of encouragement to this year’s first-year players and future Sangdong baseball dreamers, saying, “You left your hometown and came here with a sense of purpose, so if you work hard, I think you will achieve a bigger goal when you graduate.” 토토사이트

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