Tottenham lose three straight to Aston Villa

Tottenham lost 1-2 in the 13th round of the 2023-24 Premier League against Aston Villa at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London on the afternoon of the 26th. Tottenham lost to Aston Villa 28 points, falling to fifth place in the league with eight wins, two draws and three losses 26 points along with its recent three-game losing streak. 토토 Tottenham also suffered a come-from-behind defeat in the last three consecutive games.

Son Heung-min led the team’s attack by playing full-time against Aston Villa. Son Heung-min shook the net three times against Aston Villa, but all were not recognized as goals. Son Heung-min shook the net with a right-footed shot from the left side of the penalty area after breaking through the back space of the opponent’s defense with Hoivier’s pass in the 43rd minute of the first half. Since then, Son Heung-min has not been able to score due to the offside declaration.

Son also scored in the 13th minute of the second half. Son Heung-min pushed the ball in by finishing Brennan Johnson’s pass with a left footed shot in front of the goal, but was declared offside once again. Son Heung-min also shook Aston Villa’s net in the 39th minute of the second half. Son Heung-min shook the net by finishing with a left-footed shot again when his teammate Poro’s right-footed diagonal shot from the right side of the penalty area hit the post, but the goal was not recognized as offside was declared once again.

In Tottenham’s showdown with Aston Villa, Rossellso scored the first goal in the 22nd minute of the first half. Rossellso shook the Aston Villa net with a left footed shot from the left side of the penalty area. Aston Villa, who fought back, scored an equalizer in the extra time of the first half by Pau Torres. Pau Torres scored in a free-kick situation by rushing Lewis’ ball in front of the goal gate and finishing with a header shot.

While the two teams exchanged one goal each during the first half, Aston Villa scored a come-from-behind winning goal in the 16th minute of the second half. Watkins shook Tottenham’s net with a right footed shot from the penalty area following Tillemans’ pass and Aston Villa’s come-from-behind victory ended the game. England’s Evening Standard said: ‘Three unrecognized goals were scored due to offside. I participated in Tottenham’s best play a lot and could have scored many goals again,’ he said, giving Son seven points of rating for his performance against Aston Villa. England’s The Sun mentioned Son Heung-min, who shook the opponent’s net three times, saying, “Son Heung-min’s hat trick was not recognized,” but all of them were not recognized as goals.

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