Terry Price Dies at 55; DL Coach Spent 28 Years with Texas A&M, Ole Miss, Auburn

The university announced Friday that trainer Terry Price, a long-time assistant to the SEC and former Aggie standout, died at the age of 55. Price was one of the best coaches in the defence line of university football during an ESA career that lasted almost 30 years. Between 1995 and 2011, Price shared his time […]

Read More.. Terry Price Dies at 55; DL Coach Spent 28 Years with Texas A&M, Ole Miss, Auburn

Michigan fires co-offensive coordinator Matt Weiss amid computer crime investigation

The University of Michigan has announced that it has co-offended Matt Weiss here under investigation by the university police for “a report on des crimes liés l access to the computer” au centre de football de l”cole. In a statement, the sports directors, Warde Manuel, stated that the dismissal had taken place ‘after an examination […]

Read More.. Michigan fires co-offensive coordinator Matt Weiss amid computer crime investigation