Son Heung-min + 13 goals Bomber Dream Combination

British media Team Talk reported on the 13th that Tottenham has entered competition with multiple clubs to recruit Serhu Girassi 27, Stuttgart in the transfer market in January next year. 토토 Girash left Rennes on loan last year and joined Stuttgart. He was recognized for his performance with 14 goals last season and even succeeded in a complete transfer in July.

Kirashi’s rise in confidence was extraordinary. Girash scored 13 goals in seven league games, topping Harry Kane with eight goals. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the best striker in Europe this season. Girash’s scoring ability overwhelmed Erling Holland, who scored eight goals in each big league, and Kylian Mbappe, who scored seven goals.

Girassi’s scoring ability was also captured on Tottenham’s radar network. According to the report, Tottenham is considering recruiting Girassi to reinforce its offense in the January transfer market. Recruiting strikers is considered one of Tottenham’s homework to solve. Due to the failure to bring in a replacement for Harry Kane, the main striker this summer, it is necessary to recruit a striker.

Claims that a striker is needed to work with Son Heung-min weigh on. Son Heung-min has scored six goals this season, while Hishal Song has only one goal.

Goalkeeper Brad Friedel, who played for Tottenham Hotspur, also claimed, I think Tottenham needs a player to score more goals at the front line.

The possibility that Girashi will be recruited is gradually increasing. Team Talk said, A buyout clause is inserted in the contract between Girassi and Stuttgart. The buyout is only 20 million euros about 28.4 billion won.

20 million euros is not a very burdensome amount for Tottenham. Tottenham, which was funded by the sale of Kane this summer, has enough ability to trigger Girassi’s buyout.

It is not a stage where we can guarantee recruitment. Competition for recruitment is fierce. In addition to Tottenham, West Ham, Brentford, Bournemouth and Crystal Palace sent scouts to observe Girash.

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