80 Cups of Coffee Arrives at KT Camp Gift from Ananti the team’s accommodation

Ananti provided coffee catering directly to Gijang Hyundai Motor’s Dream Ball Park and introduced drinks such as americano and latte. The company also gave madeleine to its players as a service.

“I didn’t know they would give me coffee like this. All the players gave me coffee as a surprise and I enjoyed it with gratitude,” captain Park Kyung-soo said. “I’ve been using Ananti as my dorm for three years, and I’m so thankful that they are always so kind and have such events. Thanks to this, I’m preparing for the season in a comfortable environment for the players.”

KT is hosting its spring camps in Gijang in 2021, 2022, and this year. The players continued to use Ananti as their lodging. They are highly satisfied. “It is comfortable because the distance traveled is short and there is no need to adjust to jet lag. Above all, the accommodation is really nice,” said KT’s only team that is holding its first camp in Korea.

“I wanted to present the gift with sincerity, not with business relationship with KT. I hope the players will cheer up and prepare well for the season,” an Ananti source said.

BY: 바카라사이트

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