Mobile carriers LG Uplus and KT are facing increasing concerns about their electric vehicle (EV) charging businesses following a widely publicized fire involving a Mercedes-Benz electric sedan, which has fueled negative customer sentiment toward EVs.
Concerns over EV safety are growing quickly among drivers in Korea following the fire at an apartment complex’s parking garage in Incheon on Aug. 1, which burned over 100 vehicles and damaged the building. A growing number of apartment complexes are banning EVs from parking underground, while a number of government complexes also moved their EV charging stations aboveground.
Rising nationwide fears about EVs are also casting a shadow over telecom companies, which have been exploring EV charging as a new revenue source.
During its earnings call for the second quarter on 스포츠 Aug. 7, LG Uplus unveiled its goal of becoming one of the country’s top three EV charging companies by 2027 through LG Uplus VoltUp, a joint venture with Kakao Mobility.
“LG Uplus and Kakao Mobility will each chip in 25 billion won ($18.4 million) (into VoltUp) to secure investment resources,” LG Uplus Chief Financial Officer Yeo Myung-hee said. “This will enable agile and effective operation of the company under an independent decision-making structure.